Alumni Council

The Carroll University Alumni Council is the representative body of the alumni community. Alumni are defined as any former students who have graduated from Carroll University or who have completed a minimum of two consecutive full-time semesters.

About the Alumni Council

The Alumni Council is an important resource for the Carroll University alumni community. It supports the mission, goals, and strategic direction of the University, represents the voice of alumni in the alumni engagement planning process, and serves in an active capacity to support the Office of Alumni Engagement and the Division of Institutional Advancement. Responsibilities of the Alumni Council include:  

  • Inform, involve, and serve the alumni community throughout their lifelong relationship with the University
  • Serve as an ambassador for Carroll University, working to increase the university’s visibility and reputation among alumni and the wider community
  • Create, continuously update, and execute an Alumni Council Strategic Plan to provide direction in alumni engagement strategies
  • Facilitate the exchange of ideas between alumni and Carroll University
  • Attend and participate in Alumni Council meetings throughout the year
  • Participate in and promote alumni events and programs sponsored by the Division of Institutional Advancement
  • Select Distinguished Alumni Award and Graduate of the Last Decade Award recipients each year
  • Actively serve on Alumni Council sub-committees and ad-hoc working groups to implement alumni engagement initiatives and programs
  • Interview and select Student Alumni Ambassadors each year
  • Promote fundraising initiatives by seeking sponsors or funding sources

Meet Our Members

Comprised of alumni from various backgrounds, class years, identities, work experiences, and geographical locations, our mission is to broadly represent the voices of the 23,000+ alumni across the globe.

Tanya Atkinson ’93

"The university’s ability to provide critical academic and financial scholarships made all the difference in the world. This is also the reason I began engaging as a donor, hoping that whatever I can contribute makes a difference for someone else."

Niquanna (Walls) Barnett ’00

"I think giving back matters because there are some students that have to work multiple jobs to afford to attend school and that little bit you give could mean the world to them."

Symone (Russell) Baldwin ’16

Symone's ongoing commitment to Carroll has remained strong since the beginning of her Pioneer journey in 2012.  She is honored to continue her Carroll engagement through involvement on the Alumni Council.
Chris Bennett '97

Chris Bennett '98

"I've helped students secure internships and employment, and readily tell anyone I meet from Carroll to consider and use me as a professional resource."

Lucas Bennewitz ’12 

"My Carroll experience certainly prepared me for law school. The liberal arts education serves as my foundation for justice and accountability in our community."

Larry Birkett ’88

"Having attended Carroll as a first-generation, LGBTQIA+ student, I’m interested in connecting and collaborating with the diverse Carroll community - alumni, students, faculty & staff, as well as prospective students - to let them know that Carroll is a great place for them to start their journey of ‘lifelong learning in a diverse and global society’."

Ciara Czajkowski ’21

"Every gift matters, whether it's $5 or $100. A little bit can go such a long way, and you might not even realize that. Your gift big or small will help Carroll stay the amazing school it is, and improve on many things"

Erik Gehrke ’00 

"Carroll gave me a better understanding of the larger world around me, from the experiences we all share to the ones we don't and make us who we are. This knowledge has been crucial to my career, and I'm still happy to share my experiences and learn from others."

Emily Gillingham ’20

"I love how vast the Carroll connection is! No matter where I go, meeting a fellow Carroll alumni means finding an instant friend."

Mark Hackett ’14

"The scholarships and aid I recieved from Carroll and its donors helped me reach all the success I have today. Without their generosity I would have never been able to be one of the first college graduates in my family."

John Harrits ’76 

"Carroll remains on a strong financial footing with an eye towards the future. While other schools are cutting back, Carroll is looking to expanding its offerings to meet future needs. If we are still moving forward after more than 175 years we must be doing something right."

Lucas Bennewitz ’12 

"My Carroll experience certainly prepared me for law school. The liberal arts education serves as my foundation for justice and accountability in our community."

Monica Ibarra ’08

"If I peel back the onion of my career it began at Carroll University with an Advisor who welcomed me, and my toddler onto campus. They continued to inspire and motivate me to grow as a person and a professional."

Sarah Jensen ’14, M.Ed. '18

"I am a proud Carroll grad as my experience there not only shaped my knowledge, but who I am as an individual. It gave me a space to come into who I am, discover leadership qualities within myself, and gain a greater outlook on life outside of the bubble that I grew up in."
Randy Kunkel '80

Randy Kunkel ’80

"I continue to be a vocal champion of Carroll's mission and am impressed with Carroll's commitment to increase and support a diverse student population."

Ann Laatsch '88, Chair

"As critical as financial gifts are to the University’s future, “alumni engagement” means so much more! There are countless rewarding, meaningful ways to support current students, such as being a guest speaker in a classroom, attending or volunteering at an alumni event, developing internships or job opportunities, or even hosting an alumni gathering."

Griselda Macias ’08

"While at Carroll, I was able to serve in leadership roles in LASO, Student Senate, and the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion group. These experiences sparked my passion for advocacy, helping students access equitable educational opportunities."

Sandy Montes-Gruber ’10

"It is due to Carroll’s financial support that my twin sister and I (being first generation) were given the opportunity to be the first in our family to graduate from a 4-year college. Without the scholarships and generosity of Carroll Alumni, I would not be the professional I am today."

Kate Peterson ’12

"There were many before you who gave back and made Carroll the unique and special place that it is and I truly feel that it's our job to continue to give back and pay that forward so generations of students have the same positive experiences we had!"

Lauren Ruff ’07

"Being a member of the Carroll Community, whether as a current student or as an alum, connects you to a distinguished network of Pioneers. Given the significant influence Carroll has had on my life, I find it deeply meaningful to serve on the Alumni Council, fostering support and growth for future generations."

Nate Schwarzbach ’13

"Knowing that someone financially supported my education to help me get to where I am today, inspires me to donate my time, talent, and treasure to help the alumni of tomorrow."

Mary Stieber Reynhout ’86

"I’m thrilled to have joined Carroll’s Alumni Council! I’d like to expand the size of Carroll’s “footprint” in the Twin Cities by serving as an ambassador to increase the University’s visibility and presence among alumni. I’m eager to network with alumni locally and nationally for professional development purposes, and especially want to invest in the career development of young alumni in Minnesota."

Gaylene (Blau) Stingl ’90

"Giving back to Carroll is a way of sustaining quality education and providing an invaluable life experience to young adults as they step toward building a future that can make a difference."

Gregg Wandsneider ’08

"Giving back to Carroll is a way of sustaining quality education and providing an invaluable life experience to young adults as they step toward building a future that can make a difference."

Jo Ann Warren ’74

"If you also believe Carroll to have been a major part of building you into the person that you are today, then I want to challenge you to help make that opportunity a reality for someone else."

Dick Whittow ’76

"The generosity of Carroll alumni made it possible for me to have what I believe was a unique, personalized, quality education. I want to help provide this same experience for current and future students."

Kevin Wilkes ’12

"Pastor Wilkes served as the keynote speaker for Carroll’s Annual Soul Food Dinner in 2019 and helped shape the diversity, equity and inclusion efforts at Carroll."
Smiling human with bright colored shirt

Abbie (Bottom) Van Ess ’16, MBA ’18

"Having a financial cushion from the generosity of Pioneers that came before me made my education possible. One thing I know to be true is that Pioneers are forever and I always walk away from alumni events receiving more than I gave."
Carroll University Logo

Your Name Here

Can you imagine yourself being a part of our council?
Check out our application process below

Alumni Council Recruitment

The Alumni Council seeks engaged, passionate, and committed alumni who are interested in serving in this very important capacity to support the mission of Carroll University and Institutional Advancement. One of the goals of the council is to encompass the 23,000+ alumni community by recruiting a diverse range of alumni from various backgrounds including but not limited to: class years, geographical location, race, gender, ability, work experiences, etc. An all-inclusive representation on the Alumni Council is critical to the mission and success of its work.

Apply for the Alumni Council

It is expected that all Alumni Council members will:

  • Attend all meetings (6 per year, not including committee meetings)
  • Attend at least one alumni event per year
  • Share Carroll events and news with alumni peers – spread the word!
  • Make an annual gift to Carroll (Of any size - All gifts matter and make a difference!)
  • Share honest feedback as the group evaluates programs, events and methods in order to continually try to engage alumni in the best ways possible
  • Serve on Reunion Committees when applicable
  • Serve on at least one Alumni Council Committee (Executive, Distinguished Alumni Awards, Philanthropic Initiatives, Young Alumni, Student Engagement)
The application period runs through April. Interested applicants should submit the following to the Office of Alumni Engagement at on or before April 30 of each year.
Letter of interest that addresses the following:
  • Name, Graduation Year(s), Major(s)/Minor(s) at Carroll
  • What is your brief biographical history since you left Carroll? Please include professional and/or personal experiences as you deem appropriate.
  • What has been your involvement with Carroll since your graduation? (i.e. Attended events Volunteered on campus? Provided internship to student? Referred prospective student to Carroll? Spoke in a classroom?  Etc.)
  • Why do you want to serve on the Alumni Council? Please expand how this experience might be meaningful for you.
  • What is an idea to increase alumni engagement you want the Alumni Council to explore?

Thank you for your interest and commitment to Carroll!  The Alumni Council will follow up with all interested applicants.


Panoramic View of campus